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Conservation Meeting Minutes 12/7/06
 Conservation Commission
December 7, 2006

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Christine Turnbull and Stephen Cremer were the members present.
Laura Nelson, Finance Committee liaison, was present in the audience.

7:45 p.m. Old/New Business:

CPC Update:

·       Peg announced to the Commission that The Massapoag Brook Neighborhood Association has expressed
          an interest in resubmitting their application for CPA funds toward the purchase of the Glendale Village property.
           The Association reduced the amount of requested funds to $850,000.
·       Peg explained to the Commission that George Bailey discussed an option for the CPC to obtain a
     five-year bond for the acquisition of the Horizons for Youth Parcel, as well as other town projects.
      This would result in less available funding for potential future CPA projects, as compared to a
      twenty-year bond. (There is concern that any outstanding debts would need to be collected for approved
      projects in the event that the CPA is ever eliminated.)
·       George Bailey expressed his interest in forming a Community Preservation Plan.
·       The CPC held a lengthy discussion concerning George Bailey’s interest in placing the financial
control of approved CPC grants to the Selectmen.

Open Space Update:

The members of the Commission agreed to authorize Peg, on behalf of the Commission, to enter into
agreement with the Conway School to update the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Master Plan.
Hank Langstroth moved to authorize Peg to endorse the agreement with the Conway School and take
any further necessary action, on behalf of the Commission, for updating the Town’s Open Space and
Recreation Master Plan. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
8:00 p.m. The Commission met with Mr. Richard Kramer, candidate for the Lake Management Committee:

Background Information:
Mr. Kramer is a former member of the Lake Management Committee, and is interested in the
preservation of Lake Massapoag.
He previously participated in an erosion control and shoreline restoration project for Memorial Park
Beach during the 1980s while serving on the Lake Management Committee.
He has knowledge of the topography of the land and resource areas of the Town.
Stephen Cremer asked Mr. Kramer what his opinion is as to the boundary limits between the Lake
Management Committee and the Conservation Commission concerning Lake Massapoag.
Mr. Kramer replied that the Lake Management Committee is subordinate to the Conservation Commission because
they are in primary control of that resource area. He stated that the 2,000-acre watershed area that encompasses
Rattlesnake Hill, as well as Lake Massapoag, should be under the domain of the
Lake Management Committee. The boundaries in the southern section of the watershed are too difficult to determine
due to the presence of shallow water in that area. He feels that the primary duty of the Lake Management Committee
lies not only with the Lake but also within the Town’s 2,000-acre watershed area. Sucker Brook becomes dryer each
year and it is one of the Town's primary remaining tributaries. Less groundwater is flowing into the Lake from that
watershed. Clearly, the watershed is being seriously compromised, and it is unfortunate that we are unable to
achieve the necessary cooperation from the Town's Engineering Department to address these issues.
Peg expressed to Mr. Kramer the Commission's appreciation concerning his interest to serve on the
Lake Management Committee and stated that the Commission will contact him in January with their decision.

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8:30 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills.

8:35 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to accept the November 16, 2006 meeting minutes as presented.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:45 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank Langstroth moved. Christine Turnbull seconded. Voted. Unanimous.